Awarded: Best Barista Course in Melbourne

We are humbled and grateful to be awarded the best barista course in Melbourne by

Quality and cutting-edge training are at the forefront of what we do and it is an honour to be recognised as the best coffee training school in Melbourne. A big thing that sets up apart is the experience and passion of our trainers. With a combined 35 years of experience working at the top specialty coffee cafes in Melbourne and around the world, we can safely say we know specialty coffee!

On top of that, we never take anything for granted and are constantly upskilling and learning to stay relevant in this industry. This means monthly staff cuppings (coffee tastings where we train our palate) combined with regular research and development to stay on top of trends and new learnings. The coffee scene in Melbourne is developing so rapidly that we have to stay relevant or be left behind.

Another thing that sets us apart from other coffee training academies is our small class sizes. We don’t have any more than 4 people as we feel that it compromises the learning outcomes of each student. It also leaves room for everyone to ask specific questions and receive ample time and attention from our barista trainers.

We are very intentional in investing time and money to create amazing experiences for anyone coming through our coffee training centre. We source only the best coffee, milk and guest roasters and have long-term partnerships with some of the most respected brands in the coffee industry. We provide self-developed printed material for all our courses that we are constantly updating. This ensures the learning doesn’t end with the course but continues on into your home or in the cafe.

With over 200+ 5-star Google Reviews, we are confident in backing up this award by providing the best coffee training possible. Melbourne has one of the most exciting coffee scenes in the world and we are honoured to be a part of it.