Our Pour Over Recipe

A pour over is probably our favourite way of drinking coffee. It produces clean, elegant and delicious black coffee that truly highlights the complexities in coffee. We choose to use a Kono Meimon pour over cone for its consistent and repeatable results, however this recipe can also be applied to any pour over cone. This is the recipe and procedure we used to win the South Regional Brewers Cup Championship in 2016 and also the method that was implemented at Dukes Coffee Roasters when our director was the Head Trainer.

What you need

  • Pour over cone

  • Paper filters

  • Grinder

  • Scales

  • Timer

  • Teaspoon

  • Gooseneck kettle

  • Fresh coffee


  • Dose: 15g ground coffee

  • Water: 250g

  • Grind: Medium coarseness, similar to sea salt

  • Time: 2:15 – 2:30

  • Temperature: 99 degrees celsius


  1. Boil fresh water in a gooseneck kettle to 99 degrees or just off boil. If using a Bonavita Electric kettle, set the temperature to 99 degrees.

  2. Fold the hem of the paper filter back on itself to create a perfect cone.

  3. Place the filter in the pourover cone and rinse thoroughly with hot water so it is completely wet. Rinsing properly removes any papery taints from the cup and heats up the cup or vessel.

  4. Grind 15g of coffee at a medium coarseness.

  5. Pour the ground coffee into the centre of the cone.

  6. Place pourover and vessel on a scale and tare.

  7. Start timer and add 50g of water.

  8. Agitate slurry by passing a teaspoon through the extraction bed evenly. This needs to be done quickly before the water passes through the bed.

  9. At 30 seconds, add 100g of hot water to the coffee bed, pouring slowly from the kettle in a circular motion. This should take around 18 seconds.

  10. At 1 minute, add 100g more water in a circular motion. This should take around 18 seconds.

  11. Lightly stir around the edge of the slurry with a spoon in a swift circular motion in order to create a vortex. This will draw the remaining water through the coffee bed and incorporate any dry grinds.

  12. Aim for a total brew time around 2:15 -2:30.



  • Throw the paper filter and spent coffee away.

  • Rinse the cone with warm water.